written to and for any fellow wanderer, flounder-er, seeker, explorer, disciple, sinner, screw-up, and friend.

Abide in the Bloodline

Be honest.
Don't lie.  Don’t believe a lie.  Not about yourself.  Not about anyone.
Seek Truth.  
Then speak it.  To yourself.  To others. 
Be Real. 
Don't hide. Don't fake the part and live like life's a game and you need to win.
It's not.
Besides, your "winning" is not in being prettier than, better than, or more successful than.
Be True.  
To the woman God created you to be.  
Magnificent. Unique. Worthy.  Beautiful. Beloved.
Don't be haughty. 
Arrogance is not a beautifier. Acting like you're better than someone else.
It will be just that: An Act.
Don't back out,
Shrink down or cower under the lies of culture.
Those statements you believe about yourself to be true. 
They’re not.
Those "If only's" that squeeze the life out of you, telling you you're not enough "unless."
Those voices that tell you who you are and the dreams that aren't possible. 
The ways you're not able. Inadequate. Uneducated.  Too young. Too old.
The words of darkness that cut you down - discourage you - threatening your gift,
Trying to make you stumble and fall; to believe that you aren't special,
That you have nothing to offer,
That you're not enough
Or too much.
Do not be bullied 
By the competitiveness of an insecure woman.
She is desperate to be more than you – to possess value (even by feeding off yours). 
She feels unimportant...so she wants you to feel unimportant too.
In the wake of such a woman, do not compromise who you are. 
Your identity is not a negotiation. 
But do not be proud because you see what she does not. 
Regard her as better than yourself. 
A heart of such humility Satan despises,
But God rewards.
Be rooted. 
Sink your roots down into His Family Line.
Bury them in the soil of your soul.
Victory and authoritative power is your inheritance.
You are genetically fashioned to conquer.
You are 100% pure-bred from the bloodline of Christ.
I understand…
Attacks can weigh you down- sometimes brought on by those people around you-
Those people who can't stand to see you soar.
Those people who can't stand to see you stand...
To see you stand up under the insults, the gossip and the mockery.
They envy your Gracious heart.  
So they try to break it.
Be strong.
But do not bootstrap your heart. 
It was not made to simply "push through" while avoiding those things that affect it.
Feel it.  Then kneel it at his feet.  
Your healing will remain incomplete if you don't.  
You are divinely made, you know.
Exquisitely flawless before him.
Look into HIS mirror. 
Not that one in your bedroom. 
Not that one in your bathroom.
Those lie too often, teaching you the despairing pit of "comparison."
Perfect hands made you.  Hemmed you in. 
Heavenly breath sustains you.
Breathe it all in.  Love it all out.
Be whole. 
As he is Healer.
Integrator of broken things.  Molder of shattered pieces.
Holder of tears. He counts them as they fall.  Delicately placing every one on rich, fertile soil.
So you may reap the harvest of Joy from the sufferings you suffered.
Be pure.  
Let no competition among women or jealousy prevail,
Like a dark shrouded cloud over your heart.
Blinding you from the Supernatural -
The realm where you can see into hearts.
Put on the eyes of Jesus and watch the Glory of his daughters unfold
In every woman that you meet.
Be straight. 
Don't manipulate, twist, and connive.  
It is devious. Cheating.  An effort to gain advantage over another.  
You are not a manager or master.
Your attempts to control produce an outcome that is sabotaged by selfishness.
And such outcomes never prosper.
Speak plainly.  
Do not add or exaggerate.  
Let love - in its tenderness and its fierceness-
Overflow out of your mouth.
Do not let
Tell you something is impossible.  Or that you can't.
People too fearful to follow their own dreams
Will try to keep you from following yours.
Do not hang your head in defeat or despair.
Get in the passenger seat,
Roll down the windows,
Raise your hands in the air,
And get ready to embark on
The Thrill of His Hope.
You are part of Royalty.  His Kingdom.
Yes...Even down here.
And no one can rob that Birthright from you,
But rest assured,
They will kill to see you fall.
So hold your head up gorgeous.
Stand proud as a Daughter
A Warrior
A Lover
A Bride
A Giver of Life
And let the power of Heaven compel your gifts,
Revive your Birthright,
And intensify your convictions of Truth:
The Truth that you are loved- filled with his Love-
And you are worth passionately pursuing
By the relentless and the Great I am.

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