written to and for any fellow wanderer, flounder-er, seeker, explorer, disciple, sinner, screw-up, and friend.

Son.Flower Living

Some things cannot be explained.
All things have a reason, but sometimes we don't know what that reason is.
We can give the general, trite explanation as to "why,"
But mostly the reason remains concealed.
Maybe one day it will be revealed to us.
And perhaps we will even understand it.
But then again, maybe we won't.
Because some things cannot be reasoned. 
And some things cannot be understood.
Because God is just too big.
And he is all about making us into someone
Who can serve in Heaven.  Beside him.
And that someone is not created
If they are given constant pleasures and explanations.
So we trust him.
Because we believe in the Truth
That who we become “down here”
Is more important than understanding it all.
If we understood everything
If we could piece it all together
We would have no need for God.
And our character would be shallow. Stunted. Self-Focused.
And when we die, our character is all we take with us.
In the end, who we become in him is all that matters.
We won’t take anything else.  We can't.
Just you. And your heart.
Pieced together by all that you’ve been through and healed from;
Interlinked with the choices you made- day in and day out-
That make you in to the person you are today, reading this now.
And so, when it doesn’t make any sense
And we can’t seem to understand why
We make a choice:
We either shake our fist at him
(and maybe for some of us, we start there)
But then, through the breaking, the humbling, and the waiting
(that make us into the someone he wants us to be)
Eventually- if we would be willing- we choose to believe
That maybe, just maybe, there’s a reason that only he knows of
And he only reveals when it brings him Glory…
And that our God doesn’t forsake…
He is not flippant…
And he holds it all together.
Even when it looks torn apart.
We choose to believe in his bigger plan and unending goodness
We don’t.
Either way, our lives will express what we truly believe in.
And so in confusion, sorrow, excitement, failure, fun, unfairness, loss, or rejection…
We mutter this: Nothing Wasted.
Because he never wastes a thing.
We are caught in the middle
Between a non-revealed reason and our lack of understanding.
And so we grip to Hope.
We hope when it doesn't make sense to.
We hope when circumstances threaten us not to.
We hope in the Goodness of our God.
Our pain is never in vain.
Our suffering doesn't end with suffering.
It ends with Joy.
The Tomb is empty.
It is Finished.
The smallest, seemingly mindless "coincidences"
Or the greatest, earth-shattering situations are never, never, never
Without purpose.
And just like the Sunflower when it is harvested
Every piece is used- from the seeds, to the roots, to the stem, to the petals.
Everything is used.
Nothing wasted.
Not ever.
And they always, without fail, keep their face to the Son.
So when the reason doesn't come - and if it never comes-
And when the understanding doesn't come - and if it never comes-
There is one thing we can be assured. One Hope that we do have:
Our God will use it for our Greater Good
As a part of his Greater Plan
For his Greater Glory
As we play a part in the Greatest Story.

Nothing Wasted.

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