written to and for any fellow wanderer, flounder-er, seeker, explorer, disciple, sinner, screw-up, and friend.


I’m tired and I’m sick.
I’m sick of being tired
of useless taglines and phrases.

Praises of magazine covers.

Celebrity quotes, choked throats.
Words like tolerance,
self-reliant, compliant.

False theory
of independent human sufficiency.
Mass deficiency of TRUTH
our youth
is in danger.

He didn’t come in a manger
so you would remain
a slave to culture. Vultures.

These liars,
they capture your mind
and bind your lifetime.

They blind your eyes
under the guise
of progress.

Transgress all day long,
shun His truth you’re being strong….

So they say
as they lead you astray,
throw out that metaphor
on ‘Jars of Clay’!

Betray obedience with expedience
and your self-seeking “opportunity;”
the community divides
as people take sides ...

and believe the liar,
echoing Satan’s choir
for deceit, an incomplete fleet of souls
who no longer control their goals.

Instead they parade in the shade
of hate and entitlement,
abandonment to sound judgment,

acquiescent to the darkness filled
congregation of accusation.

Mutation of hearts that birth no confession;
cause everything you do is just self-expression.

Depression, Oppression, Possession…

Your life is no longer yours;
the doors are closed,
exposed you sit, naked and alone.

Money, a new honey,
toys, a new boy,
clothes, painted toes,




one night stands,
come on Satan demands!

Drunken debauchery, adultery,
artillery of thoughts masked as

freedom and wisdom,

unaware that you add to the
kingdom of hate.

You violate and desecrate
love and life.
Truth will cut
your illusion with a knife.

Tricked into believing
you have no rules,
you fools.

Think anything goes
as you oppose
His reign? He wasn’t slain

So you would deny the light.


the fire

for Heaven’s choir.

Deny the desire of the devil,
a demon

a tempter of flesh.

Refresh the art of the heart
back to when it all started.

Depart from your self
put your old ways on the shelf.

From the pit He rescues you,
a truth debut,
as He pursues
every piece inside and out.

Without question He loves
and delights in your name.

No shame you carry,

The blame He did bury.
He became man
so that you’d be set free.

Bow to a knee and see
the tears in his eyes…

Immunize the scrutinized
sense of self that
darkness creates,

walk up to the gates,
Jesus awaits.

A soul restored,
pick up your sword.
Fight for the white knight called Lord.

Do it all for His Glory
as you play your part
in this eternal love story.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I second that! Fantastic.